Septic Tank Cleaning
in Greensburg, PA
Hapchuk Sanitation’s Tank Cleaning is Crucial to Prevent System Failure
When you need crucial residential septic tank cleaning in Greensburg, PA, trust the experts at Hapchuk Sanitation Company. It is very important to clean your septic tank on a regular basis. That is because waste solids in your system can accumulate. Accumulations can cause your system to back up into your home, or flow into your drain field or sand mound. Back-ups would cause major damage to your home or system. Save your home from that possibility by calling us at (724) 834-2980.
We Recommend Servicing Septic Tank Every Two to Three Years
Hapchuk Sanitation Company recommends servicing your septic tank every two to three years. The time frame can vary based on the size of tanks and the number of people in the home. Septic systems in Westmoreland County, PA, must have proper maintenance and services to ensure it operates as directed.
Malfunctioning Septic Tank Can Lead to Expensive Cleanup
When you do not clean your septic tank every two to three years, the sludge layer increases in the tank. The increase causes the sludge to overflow into the drain field or sand mound, causing clogs and system failure. This can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in cleanup and repair, and it can also lower your property value. Do not let this happen to your home and property.
Adding CCLS to System Helps with Maintaining System
Hapchuk Sanitation Company is an exclusive distributor of CCLS, which is a septic system plant-grade liquid bacteria/enzyme product. The manufacturer has developed it for residential septic system maintenance. The bacteria break down solids in drains, pipes, and septic tanks. CCLS is biodegradable and safe for humans, pets, and the environment.
We Give You Helpful Tips on How to Avoid Problems
Our professional septic tank cleaners not only perform septic tank cleaning, we also educate our customers about their system works. We teach about how often to pump the tank, what should not go in the drain, and other tips. Preventing a system failure requires preventative maintenance. Hapchuk Sanitation Company will clean and maintain your septic tanks. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
Rely on our septic tank cleaning in Greensburg, PA.